After nearly 15 years together and two children, my partner and I were married in California, prior to the passage of Proposition 8. We created a gift registry so our friends and family could provide us with tokens of their esteem and good wishes. During a light political discussion with one of my co-workers, before the election, it became clear she did not support gay marriage and intended to vote yes on Prop 8, because, as she stated, marriage is strictly "one man, one woman." In order to maintain workplace cohesion, I refrained from further discussion. After my marriage, when opening the wedding gifts, I discovered that this same co-worker, who was not invited to the wedding (I did not invite anyone from work), had sent a lovely item from the gift registry! The quandary: What do I do with this gift? Should I return it, write a sarcastic letter of thanks, or take this as a "teaching moment" to enlighten her on her crass hypocrisy?
The ungrateful train, alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll aboard!!!!!
First off, why you'd talk about an issue like that at work is beyond me. I can barely keep still when somebody stupid at my work (Sox Fan) makes some stereotypical comment about the Cubs. So, gay marriage, politics, sex, war...Save em' for happy hour when you can back up your statements with fisticuffs.
You were wise to let it go, because you can't change anyone. Unless you're me. "She'll never strip again, you'll see!" Ok, getting off track.
Maybe this was that person's way of saying, beliefs aside, I wish you the best. Take it for what it's worth, or be prissy. I don't give a shit.
Why you'd want to cause a war at your workplace with something that is unrelated to your workplace is tacky, and shows that you are immature. You're a complete bitch, and I'm glad I wasn't invited to your wedding because I would have ruined it.
I don't know how gay divorce works, but I hope it's just as painful as the regular kind.
I would take that present and tell them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine :)
i bet she's 45 and already owns a house and has 6 dogs and cats. i know they already owned everything they requested on their registry! they just wanted new ones so they could sell the semi-new ones at a garage sale.
omg. this made snot come out my nose i was laughing so hard.
That is a goal that is hard to meet. It gives this blog value.
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